10. Orientation Plan and Script (E) (See Cover Letter)

Revised December 30, 2001

Orientation Message in English

My orientation session with couples actually begins with a letter I send to them prior to our meeting together. This letter helps them understand the main reasons for the orientation (referred to as gORh from here on) and begins the process of drawing them into agreeing with me on certain points for the purpose, hopefully, of eliciting their agreement when I come to the message about the Living God and His desire to have relationship with us. 

The letter is presently in Japanese only and can be seen in the Japanese materials later in this book or in the third of the three floppy disks available free of charge.

The word-for-word script of the OR session is in both Japanese and Romaji (11 and 12 on the List of Materials) for the reference of those who might be interested in an example of a pre-ceremony meeting with the couples.

Because the words I speak in the OR session have changed over the past couple of years, I recently set out to re-translate the entire Japanese script into English.  I saw, however, that this would take far more time than I could allow.  Therefore I decided to leave the November 1998 English revision intact and redo only the gmessageh part of the script.

This message follows below, and after that appears the 1998 translation of the Orientation Plan and Script.  This version still gives a good idea of my general approach in the orientation session, but for an update of my explanation of the vows, the practical advice to the couple, and my opening and closing remarks, the reader is encouraged to read either the Japanese or Romaji script in this book or on the floppy disks.

The gmessageh part that follows takes off from the step by step gexplanationh of the couplefs order of service?specifically, the gBible Reading.h  The message concludes after the break and rehearsal and as the final point in my talk, gGuarantee of a Happy Marriage!h


Back to the program now, there you see gBible.h  In your ceremony we will read one of the most famous passages in the Bible.  Itfs known around the world by countless people.  First, tell me, when we say gBible,h does anything come to your mind?  Maybe you attended a Christian school, or perhaps read a bit of the Bible somewhere?  If not, never mind.  As you are is fine.

Someone might say, gBible?  Even if I read it, I couldnft understand a thick book like that!h  We understand that feeling, donft we!  But did you know...the Bible is the worldwide best seller every year!  For more than a hundred years, every year, the worldfs best seller!  Maybe even we can understand a book that popular!  Actually, there are some difficult places too.  If we donft know the context of those places, we probably wonft understand them.  But there are so many places you will understand!  Take a look sometime. Youfll be surprised.  The Bible is an amazing book!

Many people say, gThe Bible is beautiful literature.h  That is certainly true.  You may ask the university professors.  The Bible is known as some of the greatest literature of the world.  People also say, gItfs a compilation of great moral teachings.h  This is true, too.  For example?youfve  heard it, havenft you?gDo to others as you want them to do to you.h  Those famous words!  Think about it.  If we had really practiced this, donft you think our society would be very different now?  The world tells us to get to the top even if we have to knock over somebody else!   gDo to others as you want them to do to you.h  What does that mean?  Gentleness.  Compassion.  Making the other personfs feelings more important than our own.  gHuh?   Not in our society!h  There is no other moral teaching that can even come close to these words!  Theyfre from the Bible.  Spoken by Jesus Christ.

There are so many things I would like to say about the Bible, but I canft do that today.  However, let me explain one more thing about the Bible.  And here, I need some time.  Set aside your program for a while and listen to this explanation.  You will find this really informative and, also, it is at the very center of the meaning of the church wedding you have chosen.

About the Bible, one more thingc  To explain this, I must ask a very strange question: How is it that we are here, alive, today?  This human existence--how does it come about?  Is it by chance?  Also, what is the purpose of being alive?  Do we merely run the daily cycle of eating and sleeping, and finally we die, and thatfs the end?  Just chance?  Wow!  Things have gotten pretty heavy all of a sudden, havenft they!  But donft you agree that this is a very serious matter for us to consider?

My friend?actually hefs my superior in many ways?Rev. Arase who is 85 years old, says this about chance:  gNo meaning, no purpose.h  Sure enough, when we really think about it, thatfs what chance is.  Let me ask, then, does your life have no meaning?  Is it empty of purpose?  It might be that you have felt this way at one time or another.

Rev. Arase goes on, gThatfs what trash is!h  Indeed, trash is meaningless and without purpose.  It can just be thrown away!  OK, brace yourself!  Are you mere trash?  Isnft that repulsive?  Donft you feel uncomfortable?

In no way are we trash!  There is meaning in life!  There is purpose for our lives!  If so, how do we discover it?  No, more than gdiscovery,h how do we experience it?  Experience it!  Isnft this the greatest question that faces us in life?

That experience, and the meaning of life, is in discovering what is behind the church wedding!  In other words, the meaning and purpose of life is in knowing the One who created marriage and who also made us.

That is, the Church declares that God is alive.  gHuh?  Whadda ya mean, God?h  The One who created heaven and earth.  The Only God. The One who is all knowing.  God made us also, and he has prepared a wonderful plan for each personfs life.  That is, He wants to have relationship with us and to walk with us through this life.

I donft blame you if your reaction is gWhat? How can that be!h  I understand that this might be the very first time you are hearing such strange things.  Donft worry.  Just relax and be yourself.

Most of us have an extremely vague notion of God.  Therefs a god over there; therefs a god over here.  Thatfs a god, and, hey! this is a god too!  We are told that there are thousands of gods.

There are lots of religions, also, arenft there.  This religion, that religion.  Someone says, gYou donft have to be concerned about religion!  They all say about the same thing anyway!  But, if you think therefs something for you in a religion, is OK to join.h  We are very vague about these things, arenft we?  Young people like you might even be thinking, gNot interested!h

But wait!  If God actually exists, if there is a True Godcif, I say, a Being who created heaven and earth actually exists, He can be only One!  If He is not the Only God, he is no god at all!  Then where did all those other gods around us come from?  This also is an extremely crucial issue in life!  Do consider this very carefully.

With this, we return to the explanation of the Bible.  gBeautiful literature, high moral teachingsch  Indeed, these are correct.  But today, the one more thing about the Bible is that it is history.  History.  What kind of history?  It is the record of how the Living God revealed Himself to us in our world!  gHuh?  Things are really getting strange now!h  Well, take a look sometime.  You will be absolutely amazed!  The Bible is an amazing Book!

Let me take just a few minutes to tell you how amazing it really is. You will find this also very helpful.  Before that, the Bible is divided into two parts?Old Testament and New Testament.  gTestamenth means gcontracth or gpromise.h  So we have the gOld Promiseh and the gNew Promise.h  There isnft time to explain this today.  Just to say this, the New Testament is the life of Jesus Christ and the record of the years that follow?maybe 100 or 150 years altogether.  You know, donft you, that Jesus Christ actually lived about 2000 years ago.  He walked on this earth as a person of history.  He is recognized as one of the greatest teachers of all time.  So, the time prior to 2000 years ago is the Old Testament time, or, in other words, BC.

Did you know this, I wonder?Our present calendar was established because of the great influence of Jesus Christ.  Because of Jesus Christ, history divided between BC and AD?Before Christ and gThe Time of Our Lord.h  So, this year is 2001!  gWow!  Was He that great a person?h  Absolutely!  There is no other person who has exerted so great influence on history, and on our society, as Jesus Christ has.  Investigate.  Youfll see that it is so.

Now, some amazing things about the Bibleconly two today.  First, the Old Testament was written over approximately 1500 years by 40 different people.  Of course, the period of history in the Old Testament is longer than that.  If we look into it, we too will discover that there might be 4000 years of history contained in the Old Testament.  But the record was written over about 1500 years by these 40 different people.

Now note this, most of these 40 people didnft know each other.  Well, of course!  After all, wefre talking about 1500 years, and in many cases they lived in different countries!  Yes, most of them didnft know each other, but?amazing fact number 1?all 40 say exactly the same thing!  There is no disagreement.  They all declare:  gGod is alive!  We have seen the works of His hands!  We can know God!  We can actually experience Him!h  Thus declare with one voice the people who wrote the Old Testament.

Amazing fact number 2.  A moment ago we agreed that Jesus Christ lived approximately 2000 years ago.  And the time prior to 2000 years ago was the Old Testament.  However, in the Old Testament?hear this now?1500 years before Christ, and again 1000 years before Christ, and again 700 years before Christ, the coming of Jesus Christ was foretold!  To foretell means to promise ahead of time that something is going to happen.  The fact is, the Old Testament declares that: Sometime there will appear in our history a person called Christ.  This Christ is the Living God who took the form of a man, appeared before us, and showed us the way to God.

There are various prophecies about Christ in the Old Testament, but let me mention only four briefly.  First, when Christ comes into the world, He will be born of a virgin.  Does that seem strange to us?  Listen, there is nothing that the True God cannot do!  The gods made by peoplefs ideas and the gods of our superstitions and myths are too small!  To the Creator God, sending Christ by way of a virgin is nothing at all!

Second, when this Christ appears in the world, he will be born in a small village called Bethlehem.  You know about Christmas, donft you?  Itfs a Christian church celebration, right?  At the end of the year there are Christmas candle services, Christmas carols, etc.  All over town, for about a month, you hear the Christmas carol melodies.  Christmas is the Christian churchfs celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  And, just as promised, Christ was born in a small village called Bethlehem.  Was that merely by chance?  The fact is, this was promised clearly before Christ came!

Third, when Christ appears, he will do astounding works.  He will heal the sick and open the eyes of blind people.  gWhat?h someone might say.  Take a look for yourself!  Eyewitnesses saw him do these things!  Not just once, but many times Christ performed these miracles!  Know this?The Bible is not merely a collection of gnice stories.h  Neither is it a compilation of myths and superstitions.  The Bible was written by eyewitnesses!  Take a look for yourself.

Fourth?something you know very well?the Cross.  That famous symbol.  We see it often on necklaces, etc.  Remember now, 1500 years before Christ, and again 1000 years before, and again 700 years before ChristcThis prophecy was written: When Christ comes to the world, he will be put on a cross to die!  Now, how in the world could the people who wrote the Old Testament?ordinary people, mind you?make that kind of promise!  Not by the wisdom of men!  It had to be by revelation from above!  Someone greater than men told them!  When we think about this, donft we also have to admit that something greater than religion is here!  Someone who far surpasses our religions is alive and working in our world!

The Bible declares that God is alive!  He existed before religions!  He is alive now!  He made heaven and earth.  He made us also, and He loves us.  He loves us!  There is actually a God who desires relationship with us, and wants to lead us and walk with us in this life!

Well, we could go on like this for a long time, but we must stop.  Actually, I wanted to say one more thing but, because there isnft time, I printed it on this paper.  (Take out of the envelope to be given to couples later and show.)  Ifll give this to you later.  Take a good look when you have time.  However, let me give just one word of explanation about it.  If I donft, Ifm afraid you wonft be able to understand it.

This is taken from Psalm 139 in the Old Testament.  The Psalms are very famous literature!  They are known as some of the worldfs most beautiful writings.  Ask your college professors?they know.  Most of the Psalms were written by David, a very famous king.  He lived about 3000 years ago, or about 1000 years before Christ.

This David was really rich.  Wow!  Wouldnft that be nice!  Arenft we jealous!  Youfve often thought, gOh, if only I had enough money!h havenft you!  But think?wouldnft most of us say, gIf I had that much money, there certainly wouldnft be any need to think about God!h  Be honest now!  Isnft that what we think?  Why do we have that idea?  Because we want to use God!  We think if we join a religion, we might get special favor from God.  Isnft that why you visit three shrines at New Year?

But wait!  If God really exists, if there is One True God, you canft use Him for what you want!  Good works will not gain His favor!  

David was a very wealthy king.  We might want to believe, gIf I only had that kind of money, there would be no reason to worry about God!h  But see what this famous king says!  Ifm sure youfll be amazed.

Please pay special attention to this place.  (Point to starred paragraph.)  The reason is that, during your ceremony, I want to refer to this.  The thought here is, before you and I were ever born, the Living God knew about you and me.  He saw our future.  And He formed a wonderful plan for each person.  He has also formed a plan for you as a couple.  Wouldnft you like to know what that plan is?

All of the above is to say this: There is special meaning to our lives!  God has a purpose for each personfs life.  We are not here by chance!  We were created with a plan; we were made for a special purpose!

This?this?is what is behind the chapel wedding!  Here is the true meaning of the Christian church ceremony!  Indeed, here is what gives true beauty (point to OR Begin paper) to the ceremony you have chosen!  Whether or not this beautiful thing, this truth, becomes yours personally or not is by your decision.  But remember that the reason for the entire explanation above is so you can experience The Real Thing?a genuine church wedding!

(Following this, I discuss the meaning of prayer?the next item on their program.  To me, this also is part of the gmessage,h and can be seen in the Japanese or Romaji script.  Comments on the meaning of the vows come next, and then the break time, rehearsal in the chapel, and, back in the room again, practical advice on the marriage relationship.  The message then continues:)

Our subject for this time has been gThe Guarantee for a Happy Marriage!h  That is not the topic only for this Part 3, but, in fact, it has been the theme for this entire orientation time.  One more point on this matter remains.  Earlier, in order to explain the meaning of your wedding ceremony, I talked a bit about the Bible.  At that time I talked briefly about the One, True, Living God.  That was for your reference and in order for you to understand the real meaning of your wedding.  Now, I want to return to that place just a bit.  And, this time, I want to speak very personally.  Please listen carefully to what I say from my heart.  Guarantee of a Happy Marriagecour final point today.

All of us are created to actually know the Living God?to have fellowship with Him!  However, even though we were created by God, and in spite of the fact that He loves us and has prepared a wonderful plan for our lives, every single one of us has spurned Godfs love, has disobeyed His commands, and has taken his or her own selfish way in life.  We ignore God and say we donft need Him.

But that doesnft work!  We are lonely, unsatisfied.  We are unable to solve lifefs problems in our own strength and by our own intelligence.  Human relations are complex and hurtful. We envy, hate, hold grudges, and fight.  Sometimes our own family is split.  The workplace is hard, complex.  We feel pressure.  We get tired of the stress.  Many people die early from the strain of their jobs.

At such times, we cry, gIsnft there some strength beyond me?  Isnft there someone who can help me in my struggles?h  Every single person experiences this!  But how terribly sad it is that, at these times, we make things into gods?idols?and we begin to worship people as gods.  The Bible calls this sin. 

Perhaps we had in mind that sin is committing crimes.  But crimes come from a life without God.  We have no moral standards.  Our consciences are dead.  And so we cheat, lie, take bribes, hide money, embezzle, and so forth.  A new incident appears almost every day in our society!  But isnft each one of us like that?  Donft we think gA little lie is all right,h and gItfs not sin if you are not found out?h  Ignoring God.  No moral standards.  The conscience is dead.

A Japanese friend told me this?did you have any idea? ?There are 3000 different religions in Japan!  And it might surprise you to know that America is like this too!  Does this seem right for gdevelopedh countries like Japan and America?  But someone might say, gHey, wait!  Isnft religion a fine thing?  No, no, Ifm not interested, but doesnft religion teach good things?  Itfs all right to believe anything so long as it is meaningful for you.  After all, eAll paths lead to the top of the same mountain!fh

Well, then, let me ask you, is it all right to believe in The True Path?  How about Life Space?  Wouldnft you like to join The Flower of Life?  You see, the sin of The True Path was not in spreading sarin gas and killing people.  That is sin, of course!  But the real sin of The True Path was in ignoring the God who is alive?the Only True God?and making guru Asahara into god in place of Him!  This is what the Bible means by sin!

All religions of the world do this.  Oh, yes, there might be some gniceh religions?yes, there are good teachings, nice philosophies, noble ideals?but if they donft show us the Creator God?the Only Living God?are they worth believing in?

People make religions!  We hear, gThis is the way!h or, gI have special revelation.  Follow me!h or, gIf you do this form of penance or these good deeds, youfll receive benefit!h  Who says these things?  Ordinary people do!  Where is the proof?  Isnft it people who decide that a certain person ought to be enshrined as a god?  Does that make that person a god?  Isnft he, in fact, merely a person who has died?  No matter how famous or noble a person he was, hefs dead!  How can mere people make him into a god!

People make religions!  Thatfs why we have 3000 in Japan!  But listen!  Before there were ever any religions, the Creator God was!  He is the only God.  He is alive today!  People didnft think Him up.  Nobody gdiscoveredh Him.  God showed Himself to us!  And He clearly revealed, in our world, in history, the way that we can know Him!  Can that be true?  Well, since we also are living in history, if we really investigate, we can find out!

gGuarantee for a Happy Marriageh?the last point.  If what I have said today is not a lie?if what the Bible declares is true?then the only way to happiness in life, and the way to have a truly fulfilled marriage, is to be in fellowship with the God who made us!  And if what I have said is a lie, it is impossible to discover lifefs true meaning or purpose!  Life is merely a cycle of, gEat and sleep, work and get tired,h and then we die in darkness with no hope!  Indeed, whether or not what I have shared today is true becomes a matter of life or death!

How can we experience this Living God?  It is through Jesus Christ.  It is not through Christianity!  The word, gChristianity,h does not appear even once in the Bible!  The Bible is not promoting greligion.h  It is declaring a relationship with the Living God!

Why Jesus Christ?  You will find the answer to that in the back of the wedding booklet I gave you.  Read it carefully later.  Remember that no other person has ever entered history according to specific prophecies.  The meaning of Christmas candle services and Christmas carols is, God is with us!

Christ came into this world exactly as promised.  Just as it was foretold, He went to the Cross in place of us and died on the Cross in order to forgive our sins.  Then, in order to prove that He can give us eternal life, He rose from the dead on the third day!  Remember:  There is nothing that the True God cannot do!  He can help us overcome our sufferings and problems.  He can show you His wonderful plan for your lives!  That wonderful plan?wouldnft you like to experience it?

Thank you for listening so politely to what I wanted to share with you.  Thatfs the end of my message.

(Here I present the Bible I signed during the rehearsal time.)

cWe talked a little about prayer, didnft we?  Remember that you can pray anytime, anywhere, just as you are, in your own words!  Thatfs because God is our Heavenly Father!  He has a profound interest in our lives! 

I will pray for you in your ceremony.  But remember?this is the most important thing I have said today?when I pray for you, I am not praying to gone god among many.h  I am not praying to the gods made by peoplefs ideas, or those of our myths and superstitions.  Nor am I praying to the dead human beings that people have declared to be gods.  Rather I pray to the God who was before everything, the only God there is, the One who would like to walk with you in your life.

(I then pray for the couples present and give closing comments, including an explanation of the handouts in their envelopes and an invitation to the next Vespers.  For these parts, please see the Japanese or Romaji script.)

Doyle C. Book

                ORIENTATION PLAN -- Overview

I  (60')  Understanding the Church Wedding Ceremony

     Get acquainted. // The need for this time. // The plan for today ?? three parts.

     The ceremony program:  Hymn, Scripture, Prayer, etc.  The God of the Bible, Ps. l39.

     The vows ?? the commitment!  (Copy of p. 13 from OR booklet)

II  (25')  Visit the Chapel, Rehearsal

     5' break first. // Call staff person for explanation (#11).

     Walk through the parts of the ceremony

III  (35')  "The Guarantee of a Happy Married Life!"

     Take couple's picture. // "What do you like about her/him?"

     Problems in marriage, practical advice (orientation booklet, page 4 ff.).

     Return to the matter of God, religions, sin. // Present Bible. // Pray for the couple.

     Request completion of information sheet

                                   Meeting the Couple

I  (60')  Understanding the Church Wedding Ceremony

A.  Personal introduction, and check names of couple(s).

I'd like to begin this time with an unusual question.  This is very interesting to me, and I really would like to hear your thoughts.  Why did you choose a "chapel wedding?"  A church ceremony.  Anything is OK!  Just as you are!

(If response is not immediate, fill in what others have said:  Allure of the white dress; beauty of the bridal path; dislike of wearing kimono; "shinzen" ceremony too stiff; attended Christian school; friends can attend; and "cute" (kakko ii).)

Yes, one of the special features of a church wedding is that your friends can enjoy it with you!  Invite as many as you like!  If you can't have them all to the banquet, just explain that to them.

B.  Today, "orientation." Why this time?  Three reasons.

But, first, think of it like this:  The next step in preparing for the wedding you have chosen.  Like choosing the dress, flowers, deciding on pictures, etc. ?? today's time also is very important!

  l.  To help you feel relaxed on day of wedding (kiraku ni, anshin shite).  (l) See what a "minister" is!  And, of course, (2) Understand ahead of time what you need to do.

 2.  To learn to know each other.  Especially at a time like this, don't you agree that relationship  is important?  Our wedding is the day we've dreamed about!  Especially for most girls!  Do you want a total stranger to do your ceremony?  I wouldn't!  We need to get acquainted (kao o awasete), hear from each other (otagai no kimochi o kiku)!  To me, your wedding is not merely a "ceremony."  It's not an "event!"  It might seem "cute," but I want to make it more than that.  I want to make it meaningful, beautiful for you.

This meeting today, for me, has  meaning (goen).  So, two requests:  (1) From now on, please be my friend.  I'd be delighted if you think of me as your pastor.  Should you ever want to talk with me, give me a call.  I'll be happy to come.  No obligation (gimu) ?? no need for Hiyoko Manja!  I'll come because we're friends! And, (2), please send me one snapshot soon ?? honeymoon or anything else.  I want to remember you.  I will write you.

     3.  To be able to give you the REAL THING!  A true chapel wedding!  You have chosen a "church wedding" = a Christian wedding ceremony.  You did this because you saw something beautiful there.  But you might not be aware of just how beautiful it is!  The white dress, walking down the aisle, friends can attend . . . yes, these too are lovely!  And a beautiful setting ?? marble, stained glass, organ!

But the real beauty of the ceremony you have chosen is not in these outward or surface things.  It is in what is behind the ceremony and in the meaning of the ceremony itself!  If you can understand that, your delight will be increased!

So, our plan:

     l.  The background and meaning of the ceremony.  Including the famous "vows!"  It might be said that these are the very center of the church wedding!  But where did they come from?  What do they mean?  No matter how much we say, "I promise," if we don't understand what we are saying, it has no meaning!

     2.  Visit the chapel, do an actual rehearsal.  This will really help you to feel relaxed.

     3.  Return here for:  "Guarantee for a Happy Marriage!" ?? some practical advice from my own experience and that of others.

Remember, the purpose of this time:  So you can experience the REAL THING!

Now, let's look at the program.  Here's a copy.  The real program is really nice ?? your friends will be glad to take it home as a souvenir.  I'm handing out one copy of all materials to each person, but when you go home, please take just one copy for the two of you.  Of course, if you need both, please feel free to take them.  I'll explain each part of the program step by step.  There are pencils in front of you.  Please use them to make notes on anything that seems especially helpful.

First, ENTRANCE of minister, couple, and, if you choose, attendants.  Next, HYMN.  In your ceremony, some famous, much loved hymns.  I invite you to sing too!  You don't have to, but why not try!  It's your special day ?? why not enjoy everything!  "But I don't know the hymns!"  Look, here's the music!  Now, you can do it for sure!  Listen to the recording once, #312.  (Tape) Now, let's try it together!  (Sing with tape.)  And, "~men."  I'll explain the "~men" later ?? a very meaningful word!

BIBLE.  In your ceremony, a very famous passage! // When we say, "Bible," what comes to your mind?  Anything, ok! // By the way, have you ever read the Bible, been to church?  Even if not, ok!  Some people:  "Thick book/hard to understand!"  I can understand that feeling! But did you know:  Every year, worldwide, BEST SELLER!  For more than l00 years!

If the Bible is this popular, maybe not so difficult after all!  Well, actually, there are some hard places ?? where the context is not understood.  But there are so many places where you will be able to say, "Yes, I understand!"  Take a look sometime!  You'll be amazed, I promise!

Many people:  Bible = beautiful literature.  It is, indeed!  Recognized all over the world as beautiful literature.  Some people:  High moral teachings.  Oh, yes!  For example, that famous, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."  The words of Jesus!  Just think, if we actually did this, don't you think our society (shakai) would be different?  People around us (seken) trample on other people to put self at the top!  "Do unto others ." -- empathy, caring, putting the other person's feelings first!  A fantastic teaching! 

There are many things to say about the Bible.  But today, just one more.  And here, I must take some time.  Let's set the program aside for a bit.  This explanation will be greatly informative (Ci ni sankC ni naru) for you.  It is also at the very center of the ceremony you have chosen.

To explain this one more point about the Bible, a very unusual question:  How is it that we are alive today?  Is it by chance?  Also, what are we living for?  Is there meaning in life, purpose in living?  Do we merely eat and sleep for a while, then die, and, "that's it?"  Mere chance?  Wow!  All of a sudden things have gotten pretty heavy!  But really, this is a very serious matter.

My friend ?? actually, my superior, 82 years old, still very active, Rev. Arase . . . Arase Sensei defines chance:  No meaning, no purpose.  Just chance.  Is that what your life is ?? meaningless?  Have you felt that way sometimes? 

Then Arase Sensei says:  That's what trash is!  Trash ?? no meaning, no purpose!  Just throw it away!  Question:  Are you trash?  Revolting, isn't it!  What an unpleasant thought!

Absolutely not! (Danjite, so dewa nai!) There IS meaning in life!  There is purpose for YOUR life!  If so, how can we discover it?  And not just discover -- how can we EXPERIENCE it?   Don't you agree that this is life's greatest concern (jinsei no saidai no mondai)!

That discovery, that experience is in seeing (miidasu) what is behind the church wedding!  In other words, it is in knowing the One (okata) who made marriage, and who also made us. 

The church declares that God is alive!  "God?" The One who made heaven and earth!  The only God!  The One who knows everything!  (KyCkai wa kamisama ga ikite iru koto o sengen shite imasu.  Kamisama to wa, tenchi banbutsu o sCzC sareta okata de, yuitsu no, shikamo zennC no kami na no desu.)  He made you, too.  And He has a wonderful plan for your life ?? to have fellowship with Him.

"Really?  Is there such a God?"  I can understand that feeling.  This might be the first time you are hearing this kind of talk.  Just as you are is fine.  // We are very vague in our ideas about God, aren't we?  A god here, a god there.  Lots of gods!  Religions too!  This religion, that religion.  "It's not important to believe in a religion, but if you want to, no problem.  They all say about the same thing."

But think!  If GOD exists ?? Creator! alive! ?? He can be only ONE!  If He isn't, then He's no god at all!  Then where do all these other gods come from?  This too is a very crucial issue for our lives!  Not sure there'll be time later, but if there is, I'd like to return to this.

With this, we now return to the explanation of the Bible!  "Beautiful literature, wonderful teachings . . ."  Yes!  But today, one more.  The Bible is HISTORY.  History?  The RECORD of God revealing Himself to us!  Speaking to us!  Showing us how to know Him!

"Really?  More and more strange!"  Take a look sometime!  You'll really be amazed!  But let me tell you a little more about the Bible.  This will come in handy in the future also.  Bible = two parts ?? OT and NT.  "Yaku" = yakusoku no yaku.  So, Old promise/New promise.  No time to explain now.  Just this:  NT = life of Christ and after.  So, OT = before Christ.  As you know, Christ lived 2000 years ago.  Walked on this earth ?? a historical person.  So, OT was before that.  That is, "B.C."  Our calendar was established by the coming of Jesus Christ!  B.C. and A.D. separated because of Jesus Christ!  Wow!  What an outstanding person He must have been!

Two astounding things about OT.  (1)  Recorded over approximately l500 years by about 40 different people.  Most of them didn't know each other ?? after all, l500 years!  BUT THEY ALL SAID THE SAME THING: God is alive!  We've seen His works!  We can know God! 

And even more amazing:  (2) Said:  Christ lived 2000 years ago.  But before that, in the OT, PROPHECIES about Christ! ("Prophecy" = declaration before the fact that this will occur!)  These were l500 years before Christ came!  l000 . . . !  700 . . . !!!  ("Christ" = "Savior."  This is Greek.  The NT is in Greek.  The OT is in Hebrew and the word is "Messiah."  Perhaps you know Handel's "Messiah" with the famous "Hallelujah Chorus!"  Messai~, Meshia, Kirisuto = Sukuinushi/Kyaseishu.)  The prophecies:  (l) Born of a virgin.  Strange?  But there is nothing God cannot do!  Our gods are too small!  (2) In tiny town called Bethlehem.  You are familiar with Christmas ?? the celebration of the birth of Christ.  He was born in the tiny village of Bethlehem!  Wow! The prophecies are very detailed, aren't they!  (3) Will do astounding works ?? heal the sick/open the eyes of the blind.  Take a look sometime at the NT!  Eyewitnesses!  The Bible is not merely "nice stories," but happenings in history!  And, (4), the one you are familiar with, the Cross . . . when Christ appears, He will be nailed to a cross and die.  This was declared l500, l000, 700 years before He came! And even, (5), will rise again on the third day!  The gods of our superstitions are too small! There is nothing God cannot do! 

How could the OT writers possibly make such statements!  They could never know these things by the wisdom of man!  When we think of this, we have to agree, SOMETHING GREATER THAN RELIGION IS HERE!  Someone greater than our religions is alive and at work in our world! (ShakyC o chCetsu shite iru okata ga ikite ite, kono yo de hataraite iru!)

The Bible declares GOD IS ALIVE ?? before religions existed, and NOW!  He made heaven and earth.  He made us, and He loves us.  And He seeks relationship (kakawari) with us ?? desires to walk with us in our daily lives.

There's almost no end to this subject, but I'll cut it short.  I wanted to look at this paper together, but there isn't enough time.  I'll give it to you later.  Please look at it when you have time.  Let me give just a brief word of explanation. 

This is from the Psalms in the OT.  The Psalms are known as some of the world's most beautiful literature.  Written by a king called David.  He lived 3000 years ago (l000 BC).  A very famous king.  David was really rich!  "The lucky guy!  Boy, if only I only had money!"  Most of us:  "If he had that much money and power, he had no reason to think about God."  Why this idea?  Because we are "goriyaku shugi!"  We use religion to get something for ourselves.  But hold on!  If God is the Only, Living, True God (yuitsu no ikeru makoto no), ii kagen ni goriyaku nado kangaete wa ikemasen!  We can't USE God for our selfish whims (katte ni)!  David was rich, powerful!  "No reason to think about God," we think.  But see what he says! ?? later, when you have time.


(DCB note:  I have reluctantly placed the material below on Psalm l39 into the handout mentioned above with selected text from the passage.  There just is not enough time in the OR session to discuss the its meaning.  I leave the notes below for your reference, in shortened form, in case you would prefer to make use of them orally.  The Japanese handout is attached.)


1?4 ?? God knows me!  My sitting, standing . . . my thoughts!

5 ?? His hand on my head! =  He guides me!  (Stated by a man of authority and power ?? supposedly in need of nothing!)

8 ?? "yomi" = darkness.  But originally, HELL!  Meaning:  The dark, painful experiences of life.  David too experienced suffering.  So bad that it seemed it might have been better to die!  We also, sometimes ?? hurt, darkness . . . hell!

l0 ?? But see what David says!  God is THERE too! WITH me!  Comforting me, leading me!  Clearly, David did not write this for the purpose of making a "religious book."  Nor with the idea of creating "beautiful literature!"  Rather he wrote from the conviction that God is alive -- from his EXPERIENCE with God!

l3?l6 ?? Before I was born, before I was formed in my mother's womb, God saw me, knew me.  Even the number of days given to me!  Remember this part ?? I want to refer to it in your ceremony ?? "BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN BORN . . . !"

24 ?? "The everlasting way" = eternal life!  Yes, don't we also want this?


The point:  There is purpose, meaning for your life!  You are not the product of chance!  God has a wonderful plan for your life!

THIS is what is behind the "chapel wedding!"  HERE is the meaning of the ceremony you have chosen!  This is where the beauty of a church wedding is! // Remember, this explanation is in order to give you the REAL THING!

Now back to the program.  PRAYER.  KitC to wa inori no koto desu.  We:  Prayer is a stiff posture (katagurushii kakko), repeating incomprehensible words (wake ga wakaranai erasC na kotoba o oboete sore o tonaeru koto)!  Not so!  We can pray anytime, anywhere.  Just as we are!  Because God is our Heavenly Father!  So, "Thank you God," "Heavenly Father, help," etc.  Anytime!  Anywhere!  Just as you are!  Aren't you glad that we can pray like this! (Inori ga kono yC na mono de areba, arigatai to omoimasen ka!)

At the end of a prayer, "~men."  (You too have heard the little kids say, "}men, sCmen!" and then giggle!)  "}men" common meaning:  Let it be so.  Originally:  Truth, verity (shinjitsu, makoto).  Comes from:  "God is shinjitsu!"  Well, of course!  The Only, Living, True God would never tell a lie (kesshite itsuwari o suru yC na okata ja nai deshC)!  Shinjitsu, makoto!  Also the Creator of all will never change (sCzCsha naru kami wa kesshite kawaru koto mo arimasen)!  Shinjitsu, makoto!

The famous VOWS of the church wedding come from this, too.  Think about it:  Marriage must be shinjitsu!  Haven't you come here desiring this kind of marriage (shinjitsu naru kekkon o motomete)?  I'm sure you have!  That's why I'm talking to you out of my heart (honki de)!  This is the true desire of anyone! Thus our commitment (promise) to each other must be SHINJITSU!

SHIKIJI.  Here, the minister speaks a few words to the audience and then to the couple.  Maybe 4?5 minutes. // HYMN.  #430.  Listen once, then let's try.  (Tape)  To this second hymn takes about l3?l4 minutes.  So you have to stand still for a while!  OK?  Actually, the time goes very fast. // VOWS.  (Hand out copy of page l3 from OR booklet.)  This is copied from this lovely booklet which I will give you later. 

**In sickness/health**  = I will always watch over you, care for you.  I'll never leave you.  Never forsake (misuteru) you.  If it should be that we must experience suffering ?? an accident, an illness, a loss ?? even as we weep together, I'll hold you and support you!  No matter what happens, you don't have to worry.  I will always guard you, care for you, even nurse you!

We promise this to EACH OTHER!  Before witnesses!  The vows of a church wedding are really something (sugoi), aren't they! 

**To love**  True love.  This is NOT "like!"  Like = a mere emotion or a physical attraction.  "Like" is conditional ?? If you are nice to me . . . if your keep your attractiveness . . . if everything goes well, etc.  = Self is at the center.  It thinks only about its own feelings/convenience

Also, love is not sex.  For some, relationship began with this. = A very weak foundation for marriage.  But you can change that and make your relationship one of true love.  I'm glad you are coming now to make a true commitment!

TRUE LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL.  It always focuses on the benefit and happiness of the other person.  It's even willing to give it's own life for the other person.  How can we know TRUE love?  See the Bible passage in your program ?? read it thoughtfully later.  Also, the Bible says that true, full love is shown to us in the Cross of Jesus Christ.  Why?  Take a look and see sometime.  It's really beautiful!

**To respect (cherish)**  My way of expressing "cherish":  My wife is my jewel/My husband is my treasure.  If "jewel," "treasure," won't we prize her/him, give special care?  Why this talk?  In our society:  the idea that the woman is the property of the man.  = Man is superior to woman.  Discrimmination!  It's in the words we use too!  This is NOT cherishing!  This attitude goes against the meaning of the church wedding.  It opposes the teaching of the Bible too.

Before God, woman and man are equal.  Each has been given a unique nature, special gifts.  Marriage is joining those natures and gifts into one and mutually supporting one another!  It is recognizing each other as EQUAL!  It is expressing mutual respect to each other (otagai ni sonchC shiau)! "She too is the same kind of person!"  (Kanojo mo onaji ningen desu!)  A happy marriage begins here!

If any influence remains in us from our culture that woman is inferior or that man is superior, get rid of it now (sakujo)!  And let this attitude show in the way we treat each other, in the words we use to each other!  "She too is the same kind of person."

**As long as we both shall live . . . **  Marriage is for life!  To cast off our spouse and take up with another, as some seem to do so easily (ii kagen ni), is unthinkable!  In the Bible, divorce is not permitted except in extreme cases where the vows have been flagrantly violated.  If we don't think of marriage in this way ?? for life ?? our ceremony is meaningless!

**You alone (sessC o mamoru koto . . .)**  This part is difficult, but I feel responsible to speak clearly.  The marriage relationship is a committment to never touch another woman/man in a wrong way.  This is God's command!  Sex is limited to the marriage relationship.  Breaking this law can destroy marriage, cause deep wounds.  There is no hurt deeper than this, especially to a woman!  Betrayed!  Even if later able to say, "I forgive," scars remain. 

Many people around us commit fornication/adultery shamelessly (heiki de)!  Our movies seem to suggest it's to be expected.  That's a lie!  We ought to be ashamed!

One day, as I was thinking about this, this thought:  There is no greater treasure in life than to be trusted.  Trusted by my wife!  Trusted by my husband!  As a father, trusted by one's children:  "That's my dad!  I respect him!"  BE CAREFUL NEVER TO DO ANYTHING TO BREAK THIS BOND OF TRUST!

An acquaintance ?? a Japanese!  AND a male!  AND he volunteered this to me!  (Sara ni jibun no hC kara, susunde . . .)  (Point to ring)  "This has saved me several times!"  I am deeply moved even now!  The meaning?  An attractive person came along, and, for a moment . . . But then he remembered, "My wife is my treasure!"  And he made a right decision:  "No way am I going to give in to that temptation!" "This [ring] has saved me several times!"  This moves me even now!  "You are my only love!"  This is the meaning of the ring exchange in the Christian ceremony!  I wear this ring as a sign of respect for my wife.  It declares that I belong to her alone.

These are the vows of the Christian ceremony!  Aren't they awesome (sugoi)?  Aren't they beautiful!  Would you want to have your wedding without this explanation?  As a minister, I can't do your wedding without it.  A wedding is a serious matter to me.  It is not just an "event."  It is definitely not a show (yokyC)!  It must be the REAL THING!  I will put my heart into your wedding in order to make it meaningful and beautiful.

If you don't want the Real Thing, there are other places ?? no orientation; quick rehearsal just before ceremony; maybe not even meet the minister ahead of time; maybe not even a true minister; minister repeats a few words mechanically; over in l5?20 minutes; "Ok, next!" = Belt conveyor!

Remember these vows ?? after 5 years, l0, 20 . . . when tired, when facing problems, after an argument.  Make up quickly!  Marriage doesn't just "happen."  It is something two people build, by DECISION, day by day.  The decision?  To remember the vows, and reaffirm daily ?? in our words (kotoba zukai) and in our deeds (toriatsukai) ?? She is my jewel/He is my treasure. // More on this after the visit to the chapel:  "Guarantee of a happy/successful married life!"

After the vows, RING EXCHANGE.  Then move to the altar, sign the certificate.  Here is a copy.  The real one is really pretty.  The word "witness" is there, but we'll not do that part during the ceremony.  You may have someone sign later ?? close friends, family members, or, in Japanese society, the go?between couple would be appropriate.

Return from the altar. /// PRAYER.  Then minister tells groom to lift the bride's veil.  Veil is lifted, and groom kisses the bride.  You don't have to do the kiss.  But a beautiful tradition.  A lovely expression of your love.  Do consider it.  Nothing to be embarassed about! And don't hurry (awateru koto naku)!  Relax, take your time.  Lift the bride's veil, place both hands on her shoulders, kiss ?? one to two seconds (show with hands).  Cheek, or lips, or forehead.  The two of you decide ahead of time!  OK to practice, too! (! Remember, I say only, "Lift your bride's veil."  I don't tell you to kiss.  You must follow through.  So, if you don't want to do it, be sure to tell me ahead of time.  I don't want to just stand there, waiting!  Cheek, or lips, or forehead ?? one to two seconds.  Not just a quick peck ?? this suggests confusion (awateru kakko)!  (And NOT like the movies.  Mittomonai!  That's not love, it's just passion!)

DECLARATION.  The minister states that you are married!  Then congratulations from minister to couple ?? in English.  I'll shake your hand!  HYMN (#541, listen and practice), BENEDICTION, words of joy to audience, minister gives gesture for you to turn to audience, introduction of new couple in English, bow /// EXIT -- slowly!.  Here is a summary of all the steps explained above.  (Hand out)

Now, let's break for 5 minutes, then we'll visit the chapel.  (Dial #11 for staff person to come.)

II  (20')  Visit to the Chapel

To the platform, staff person explains ceremony movements.  Minister retreats, writes in Bible for couple(s).

III  (40')  Upon return to room . . .

Was that helpful?  Now, you can really relax at your wedding!  Orientation ahead of time is a good idea, isn't it!  Later I'll give you this paper which summarizes some helpful points.  Be sure to read it the day before the ceremony!  (See page 14 below for English content.) // Before we go on, earlier you agreed to send me a snapshot.  As a remembrance of today, I'd like to take one now.  I'll put it with yours in my album.  And I'll send you one when you send me yours.

And now, "For a truly happy life ?? guaranteed!"  Remember, if there's anything you want to write down, use the pencils.

A. Tell me, what do you like about her (him)?  One thing!  (If more than one couple, declare "Homework!" and hand out slips of paper.  They write, exchange.)  (Inquire what he/she said.) When he (she) said that, how did you feel?  Glad?

Do that from now on also!  Words of thanks/appreciation ?? for working late at the company, for washing clothes and keeping the house clean.  Why?   They bring encouragement!  "He's always so caring!"  "She's thinking about me even when I'm at work!  Carry on!"  Kind words lift our spirits!

B.  Go on a date sometimes!  Yes, after the wedding, too!  Yes, after children come along!  Take time just for the two of you.  Leave the baby with someone.  It won't hurt him/her.  To the park, sit and talk for a while.  (Turn off the portable phone!)  To a restaurant, candle on the table, look at each other.  "Thanks for marrying me," etc.

C.  Remember birthdays, anniversaries ?? flowers, or a pretty card.  "I'm glad you married me!"  "Thanks for being so good to me."  These gestures also lift our spirits.

D.  Now look at page 4 in this booklet.  I'm handing out one to each person, but, when you go home, please take only one and leave the other.  And, please, look only at page 4 for now.  We'll move on together later. 

#1  Avoid, "I'm right, she's (he's) wrong!"  Be able to apologize.  Be very clear:  "I was wrong.  I'm sorry.  Please forgive."  This can bring healing.  Needed in marriage relationship:  Humility!  Men also ?? we're so stubborn!  Learn to apologize.

#2  In general, women feel more uneasy about finances than men.  Advice:  (l)  Don't hide financial problems.  Talk over financial situation often.  (2) Don't spend a large sum of money on yourself by yourself alone. "But that's my hobby ?? new golf clubs should be OK!"  Nope!  Talk it over with your wife first.  All large purchases ?? winter coat, furniture.  It's fun to decide these things together, and, if possible, go shopping together!

#3  These often appear AFTER the wedding!  You will discover things you didn't know about him/her before!  At such times, (1) recognize/allow differences in the ways men and women feel and think.  (2) Don't compare your spouse with another man/woman.  (3) Forgive!  Very important in marriage!  Hard to do when hurt, angry.  Done by decision, not by feelings.  Desire to be able to forgive.  

#4  The above points all relate to this!  Someone has said, "In a good marriage, everything is communication!"  Talk things over.  Listen to her/his concerns/feelings.  And be willing to open up to the other person with your problems.

#5  See #1 on page 5, "Leave your parents."  This does not mean we forsake them or ignore their feelings.  The Bible tells us to honor our parents -- recorded 4000 years ago!  But you have married each other, not your parents.  Thus your responsibility is first to listen to your partner.  We continue to receive our parents' suggestions and consider their suggestions.  But the two of you are to make the decisions.  The feelings of your spouse are more important than those of your parents.  And, in case of conflict with parents, the husband must stand up for his wife!  On to page 6.  (Comment as desired.)

Page 7.  " . . . more important than . . ."  Don't misunderstand ?? see below.  Meaning:  Above all, guard your relationship.  Make each other most important!

Page 8.  This refers to the physical/sexual relationship.  But more.  We become one emotionally too!  Sharing all areas of life!  As a beginning, read this booklet all the way through together!  Go on picnics, go for drives.  And, sometimes:  Wash the car together, pull weeds together, wash the dishes together ?? as the partner's work schedule allows, of course.  If both are working full time, household tasks should be shared. // Pages 9 ff. -- many other helpful things, but not enough time to look together.  Read later.  Please close your booklet now. 

Our subject:  "Guarantee for a happy marriage!"  One crucial point remains!  A few minutes ago, in order to explain the ceremony you have chosen, I talked about the Bible.   And I explained about God.  This was for your reference and so you can understand the meaning of your ceremony and thus enjoy it more.  Let me return to that talk for just a bit.  And let me speak very personally now.  "A Happy Marriage" -- the last point for today.

All people were created for fellowship with God.  But people chose to ignore God, reject His love, rebel against His commands and take their own way.  Every one of us has done this.  The Bible calls this sin!  Iya desu ne ?? w.t. ga tsumibito da nante!

Up to now, we probably thought sin meant crimes.  But crimes come from a Godless existence (kami naki sonzai).  No standard, no conscience.  We like to think, "Mitsukaranakereba, tsumi ja nai!"  So . . . gomakashi, itsuwari, wairo, urakenkin, CryC . . .  Almost every day a new incident appears on our TV!  And even murder.  Sins, yes.  But the basic sin is ignoring the God who made us.

Thus fellowship with God was broken.  We lost sight of Him.  We became unable to know Him or experience His plan for our lives.

This makes sense, of course!  What if you said to a friend, "I don't need your friendship any more!"  Even though he/she might very much want to fellowship with you, impossible.  What if we said to our parents, "I'm tired of being under your care.  Leave me alone.  I want to do my own thing."  Would our parents no longer love us?  Of course not!  But there is nothing they can do to share their love with us anymore!  We have closed the door.  In the same way, the thing that separates us from God is our self will. 

But something is not right!  We feel, empty, lonely.  Life has problems we cannot solve in our own strength!  There has to be something more, SOMEONE, but we can't find Him.  So now, in place of God, we make THINGS into gods!  And we worship PEOPLE as gods!  The Bible declares this is THE GREATEST SIN OF ALL!

A Japanese friend told me that there are 3000 different religions in Japan!  And gods uncountable!  Does this seem reasonable for an "advanced nation?"  But, Mr. Book!  Religions are good, aren't they?  Some teach "love your neighbor" just like the Bible.  Many promote peace.  One doesn't have to join a religion, but it's fine if you want to.  All religions are good.  OK to believe any of them.  "All roads lead to the top of Mt. Fuji," etc. 

Really?  Well, then, is it ok to believe in Amu ShinrikyC?  You see, the greatest sin of Amu ShinrikyC was not in spreading sarin gas and killing people.  That is sin, of course!  But their greatest sin was in rejecting the Living God who made us and making Asahara god in place of Him!

And this is what all religions do ?? they make something, or someone, god IN PLACE OF the true God!  Good teachings, nice philosophy, fine ideals . . . yes, many!  But if they don't show us the TRUE God, are they worthy of our faith (shinjiru neuchi ga arimasu ka)?  People make religions (ShakyC wa, hito ga tsukurimasu)!  But the Living God was before religions!  He made us!  And He showed us the way to know Him!

Our topic:  "A happy marriage!"  The final point:  If what I have said today is not a lie (uso de nakereba) . . . if what the Bible declares is true (shinjitsu/makoto de aru naraba) . . . then, meaning in life (jinsei no ikigai), and happiness in our marriage, is in knowing God and seeking His plan for our lives. 

How to know God?  Never by thinking "religion!"  Religion = people seeking God by OUR ideas.  Thus so many!  But God  showed Himself to us!  And we can know Him in only one way ?? the way He revealed.  If this God does not exist . . . if what the Bible declares is not true . . . then we exist merely by chance and there is no meaning or purpose in life!

How to know God?  Through Jesus Christ.  "Huh?  Why Jesus?"  Because His Cross is the answer for our sin.  "What do you mean? (Sore ga dC iu imi?)  How can that be?  (Sore ga dCshite?)  Take a look sometime!  You'll be amazed.  This is explained briefly in the final pages of your booklet. // And, to change the subject now, about that booklet, on page 18 I promised to give you the little pamphlet, Four Spiritual Laws.  But I've changed that.  Instead here are two interesting little pamphlets.  (Hand out Naze? and Jinsei no Ikigai.)  Take a look at them when you have time.

We talked about the Bible today.  I would like to give you one.  The front says, "Concise."  This means, "yCyaku."  I was giving only the NT.  But this contains sections from both the OT and the NT!  I think you will enjoy the nice pictures.  And it is in a translation which is easy to understand!  (Hand out Bible(s))

We talked about prayer.  Remember . . . any time, any place, just as you are.  In your ceremony I will pray God's blessing on you.  With my whole heart.  But remember, when I pray for you, I am not praying to "one God among many" (samazama na kamigami no uchi no hitotsu ni inoru no dewa nai), not to a God created by people's superstitions, but to the God who was before all things ?? the one who made you and wants to give you His plan for your life. 

"Anytime, anywhere, just as we are," I said.  So, let's pray now!  Let's just bow our heads in silent meditation (mokutC no shisei o toru), and I'll pray.  (Prayer.)

Here's a very famous prayer.  You heard it on TV at the time of Diana's funeral.  If you would like to pray it, just read it out loud.  Take a look later.  (Hand out)  (Copy attached)

  I recall again Rev. Arase ?? 82 years old, still very active ?? He says:  Read the Bible ?? even for one month; pray ?? even for one month; go to church ?? even for one month.  If you do, something wonderful will happen!

Don't misunderstand -- this is not a "magic formula" (mahCteki teisoku)!  It is not in order to "gain merit" (goriyaku o eru)!  But I promise, too, something special will happen. 

Remember those famous words, "Ask, and it shall be given . . . seek, and you shall find .  . . knock, and the door shall be opened to you . . ."  The words of Jesus Christ.  I wish I could give you this experience, wrapped in pretty paper, as a wedding present!  But I can't.  Each person must seek for himself/herself with an honest heart. 

At least, will you do this:  Investigate the facts ?? see for yourself if what I have said is true.  We are living in history.  So, if God showed Himself in history, we can find out by investigating (shirabetara, wakarimasu).

Finally, a completely different subject . . . More and more people are coming here to be married.  I'm delighted!  Sometimes, 3, 4, 5, weddings in one day!  But I promise you something:  When I stand before you on your wedding day, YOUR wedding is the only one to me!  There was none before, and there is none after!  I will put my whole heart into your ceremony.  I will do my best to make it a meaningful and beautiful time for you.

Now, would you take a few minutes to fill out this little information sheet.  (Hand out.)  I really want to know your address and telephone number.  The items below "jiya" are up to you.  But if you don't mind, let me know about your hobbies, work, etc.  

(Hand out the Psalm l39 paper, and hand out the Japanese copy of the page which follows this one.  Gather extra materials and exit to office for a time while couples are writing.

Thank you for your good attention today for this rather long time.  Otsukare sama deshita!  We're now finished.   I look forward very much to your wedding ceremony.  Do take care. 

Doyle C. Book                              Revised November 1998


 (The Japanese copy of this page is to be handed out at end of session. Or, it can be spoken for emphasis, as needed.)

Some reminders.  Be sure to read this paper the day before your ceremony!

In a church wedding, you can just relax and be yourself.  There are no "mistakes!"  You don't have to be up tight!  Remember, this is not a show (yokyC), not an "event!"  The staff and minister will direct you in everything.  This is the day you have been dreaming about.  It is your special day.  Enjoy!  It's OK to express your feelings ?? OK to smile, or cry! 

Even if you feel "hung up" on something, don't get up tight.  Relax, go slowly.  Just as you are!

Examples:  (l) Ring exchange.  Even if the ring is tight, don't panic, don't be embarrassed.  Go slowly.  Try bending the finger ?? ring will go on more easily.  Or, if really tight, partner may help!  Relax and take your time.  Practice ring exchange ahead of time so you're used to it.

(2)  Wedding dress.  Sometimes hard to walk.  Just change bouquet from one hand to the other, pick up skirt with free hand!  Just be free.  Look up ?? there's your groom waiting for his bride!  Smile if you like.  But don't be concerned about your feet ?? much better to pick up your skirt so you can look up and enjoy that walk down the aisle.

(3)  Kiss.  Remember, nothing to be embarrassed about.  No need to be tense or flustered (kinchC, awateru).  Lift veil, both hands on bride's shoulders, kiss ?? cheek, or lips, or forehead ?? one or two seconds.  Not just a quick peck ?? that suggests confusion, embarrassment (awateru kakko)! 

The meaning of the kiss:  I receive you as my only, true love for life.  And I give myself to you and will keep myself for you alone.  Beautiful!  If you decide to kiss on the lips, the minister will watch for lipstick on the groom, give tissue during final song.

When standing or moving, always link arms. // Curtain opens when you go up to the altar.  Wow!! // After being introduced in English, still on the platform, bow to the audience, go down the steps, bow to both parents, EXIT VERY SLOWLY!  Greet friends with smiles.  Nod or wave if you wish. // Groom walk to left side of aisle because of wide skirt/long veil.

If banquet at Bell Classic, limousine comes!  Stand up inside, put heads and shoulders through sun roof, wave to friends ?? until car turns corner and friends are no longer visibl

And now relax!  The staff and minister will direct you in everything.  This is the day you have been looking forward to ?? enjoy! // And, finally, BE SURE TO EAT BREAKFAST the day of the wedd