34. Orientation Message in English (E)

Revised December 30, 2001


My orientation session with couples actually begins with a letter I send to them prior to our meeting together. This letter helps them understand the main reasons for the orientation (referred to as gORh from here on) and begins the process of drawing them into agreeing with me on certain points for the purpose, hopefully, of eliciting their agreement when I come to the message about the Living God and His desire to have relationship with us. 


The letter is presently in Japanese only and can be seen in the Japanese materials later in this book or in the third of the three floppy disks available free of charge.


The word-for-word script of the OR session is in both Japanese and Romaji (numbers 11 and 12 on the List of Materials) for the reference of those who might be interested in a sample of the pre-ceremony meeting with the couples.


Because the words I speak in the OR session have changed over the past couple of years, I recently set out to re-translate the entire Japanese script into English.  I saw, however, that this would take too much time, and so I have revised and recorded here only the gmessageh part of the script.  The old version of the full translation of the script is still good for reference and can be seen in: 10. Orientation Plan and Script (E).


The gmessageh part that appears below takes off from the step by step gexplanationh of the couplefs order of service?specifically, the gBible Reading.h  The message concludes after the break and rehearsal and as the final point in my talk, gGuarantee of a Happy Marriage!h




Back to the program now, there you see gBible.h  In your ceremony we will read one of the most famous passages in the Bible.  Itfs known around the world by countless people.  First, tell me, when we say gBible,h does anything come to your mind?  Maybe you attended a Christian school, or perhaps read a bit of the Bible somewhere?  If not, never mind.  As you are is fine.


Someone might say, gBible?  Even if I read it, I couldnft understand a thick book like that!h  We understand that feeling, donft we!  But did you know...the Bible is the worldwide best seller every year!  For more than a hundred years, every year, the worldfs best seller!  Maybe even we can understand a book that popular!  Actually, there are some difficult places too.  If we donft know the context of those places, we probably wonft understand them.  But there are so many places you will understand!  Take a look sometime. Youfll be surprised.  The Bible is an amazing book!


Many people say, gThe Bible is beautiful literature.h  That is certainly true.  You may ask the university professors.  The Bible is known as some of the greatest literature of the world.  People also say, gItfs a compilation of great moral teachings.h  This is true, too.  For example?youfve  heard it, havenft you?gDo to others as you want them to do to you.h  Those famous words!  Think about it.  If we had really practiced this, donft you think our society would be very different now?  The world tells us to get to the top even if we have to knock over somebody else!   gDo to others as you want them to do to you.h  What does that mean?  Gentleness.  Compassion.  Making the other personfs feelings more important than our own.  gHuh?   Not in our society!h  There is no other moral teaching that can even come close to these words!  Theyfre from the Bible.  Spoken by Jesus Christ.


There are so many things I would like to say about the Bible, but I canft do that today.  However, let me explain one more thing about the Bible.  And here, I need some time.  Set aside your program for a while and listen to this explanation.  You will find this really informative and, also, it is at the very center of the meaning of the church wedding you have chosen.


About the Bible, one more thingc  To explain this, I must ask a very strange question: How is it that we are here, alive, today?  This human existence--how does it come about?  Is it by chance?  Also, what is the purpose of being alive?  Do we merely run the daily cycle of eating and sleeping, and finally we die, and thatfs the end?  Just chance?  Wow!  Things have gotten pretty heavy all of a sudden, havenft they!  But donft you agree that this is a very serious matter for us to consider?


My friend?actually hefs my superior in many ways?Rev. Arase who is 85 years old, says this about chance:  gNo meaning, no purpose.h  Sure enough, when we really think about it, thatfs what chance is.  Let me ask, then, does your life have no meaning?  Is it empty of purpose?  It might be that you have felt this way at one time or another.


Rev. Arase goes on, gThatfs what trash is!h  Indeed, trash is meaningless and without purpose.  It can just be thrown away!  OK, brace yourself!  Are you mere trash?  Isnft that repulsive?  Donft you feel uncomfortable?


In no way are we trash!  There is meaning in life!  There is purpose for our lives!  If so, how do we discover it?  No, more than gdiscovery,h how do we experience it?  Experience it!  Isnft this the greatest question that faces us in life? 


That experience, and the meaning of life, is in discovering what is behind the church wedding!  In other words, the meaning and purpose of life is in knowing the One who created marriage and who also made us.


That is, the Church declares that God is alive.  gHuh?  Whadda ya mean, God?h  The One who created heaven and earth.  The Only God. The One who is all knowing.  God made us also, and he has prepared a wonderful plan for each personfs life.  That is, He wants to have relationship with us and to walk with us through this life.


I donft blame you if your reaction is gWhat? How can that be!h  I understand that this might be the very first time you are hearing such strange things.  Donft worry.  Just relax and be yourself.


Most of us have an extremely vague notion of God.  Therefs a god over there; therefs a god over here.  Thatfs a god, and, hey! this is a god too!  We are told that there are thousands of gods.


There are lots of religions, also, arenft there.  This religion, that religion.  Someone says, gYou donft have to be concerned about religion!  They all say about the same thing anyway!  But, if you think therefs something for you in a religion, is OK to join.h  We are very vague about these things, arenft we?  Young people like you might even be thinking, gNot interested!h


But wait!  If God actually exists, if there is a True Godcif, I say, a Being who created heaven and earth actually exists, He can be only One!  If He is not the Only God, he is no god at all!  Then where did all those other gods around us come from?  This also is an extremely crucial issue in life!  Do consider this very carefully.


With this, we return to the explanation of the Bible.  gBeautiful literature, high moral teachingsch  Indeed, these are correct.  But today, the one more thing about the Bible is that it is history.  History.  What kind of history?  It is the record of how the Living God revealed Himself to us in our world!  gHuh?  Things are really getting strange now!h  Well, take a look sometime.  You will be absolutely amazed!  The Bible is an amazing Book!


Let me take just a few minutes to tell you how amazing it really is. You will find this also very helpful.  Before that, the Bible is divided into two parts?Old Testament and New Testament.  gTestamenth means gcontracth or gpromise.h  So we have the gOld Promiseh and the gNew Promise.h  There isnft time to explain this today.  Just to say this, the New Testament is the life of Jesus Christ and the record of the years that follow?maybe 100 or 150 years altogether.  You know, donft you, that Jesus Christ actually lived about 2000 years ago.  He walked on this earth as a person of history.  He is recognized as one of the greatest teachers of all time.  So, the time prior to 2000 years ago is the Old Testament time, or, in other words, BC.


Did you know this, I wonder?Our present calendar was established because of the great influence of Jesus Christ.  Because of Jesus Christ, history divided between BC and AD?Before Christ and gThe Time of Our Lord.h  So, this year is 2001!  gWow!  Was He that great a person?h  Absolutely!  There is no other person who has exerted so great influence on history, and on our society, as Jesus Christ has.  Investigate.  Youfll see that it is so.


Now, some amazing things about the Bibleconly two today.  First, the Old Testament was written over approximately 1500 years by 40 different people.  Of course, the period of history in the Old Testament is longer than that.  If we look into it, we too will discover that there might be 4000 years of history contained in the Old Testament.  But the record was written over about 1500 years by these 40 different people.


Now note this, most of these 40 people didnft know each other.  Well, of course!  After all, wefre talking about 1500 years, and in many cases they lived in different countries!  Yes, most of them didnft know each other, but?amazing fact number 1?all 40 say exactly the same thing!  There is no disagreement.  They all declare:  gGod is alive!  We have seen the works of His hands!  We can know God!  We can actually experience Him!h  Thus declare with one voice the people who wrote the Old Testament.


Amazing fact number 2.  A moment ago we agreed that Jesus Christ lived approximately 2000 years ago.  And the time prior to 2000 years ago was the Old Testament.  However, in the Old Testament?hear this now?1500 years before Christ, and again 1000 years before Christ, and again 700 years before Christ, the coming of Jesus Christ was foretold!  To foretell means to promise ahead of time that something is going to happen.  The fact is, the Old Testament declares that: Sometime there will appear in our history a person called Christ.  This Christ is the Living God who took the form of a man, appeared before us, and showed us the way to God.


There are various prophecies about Christ in the Old Testament, but let me mention only four briefly.  First, when Christ comes into the world, He will be born of a virgin.  Does that seem strange to us?  Listen, there is nothing that the True God cannot do!  The gods made by peoplefs ideas and the gods of our superstitions and myths are too small!  To the Creator God, sending Christ by way of a virgin is nothing at all!


Second, when this Christ appears in the world, he will be born in a small village called Bethlehem.  You know about Christmas, donft you?  Itfs a Christian church celebration, right?  At the end of the year there are Christmas candle services, Christmas carols, etc.  All over town, for about a month, you hear the Christmas carol melodies.  Christmas is the Christian churchfs celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  And, just as promised, Christ was born in a small village called Bethlehem.  Was that merely by chance?  The fact is, this was promised clearly before Christ came!


Third, when Christ appears, he will do astounding works.  He will heal the sick and open the eyes of blind people.  gWhat?h someone might say.  Take a look for yourself!  Eyewitnesses saw him do these things!  Not just once, but many times Christ performed these miracles!  Know this?The Bible is not merely a collection of gnice stories.h  Neither is it a compilation of myths and superstitions.  The Bible was written by eyewitnesses!  Take a look for yourself.


Fourth?something you know very well?the Cross.  That famous symbol.  We see it often on necklaces, etc.  Remember now, 1500 years before Christ, and again 1000 years before, and again 700 years before ChristcThis prophecy was written: When Christ comes to the world, he will be put on a cross to die!  Now, how in the world could the people who wrote the Old Testament?ordinary people, mind you?make that kind of promise!  Not by the wisdom of men!  It had to be by revelation from above!  Someone greater than men told them!  When we think about this, donft we also have to admit that something greater than religion is here!  Someone who far surpasses our religions is alive and working in our world!


The Bible declares that God is alive!  He existed before religions!  He is alive now!  He made heaven and earth.  He made us also, and He loves us.  He loves us!  There is actually a God who desires relationship with us, and wants to lead us and walk with us in this life!


Well, we could go on like this for a long time, but we must stop.  Actually, I wanted to say one more thing but, because there isnft time, I printed it on this paper.  (Take out of the envelope to be given to couples later and show.)  Ifll give this to you later.  Take a good look when you have time.  However, let me give just one word of explanation about it.  If I donft, Ifm afraid you wonft be able to understand it.


This is taken from Psalm 139 in the Old Testament.  The Psalms are very famous literature!  They are known as some of the worldfs most beautiful writings.  Ask your college professors?they know.  Most of the Psalms were written by David, a very famous king.  He lived about 3000 years ago, or about 1000 years before Christ.


This David was really rich.  Wow!  Wouldnft that be nice!  Arenft we jealous!  Youfve often thought, gOh, if only I had enough money!h havenft you!  But think?wouldnft most of us say, gIf I had that much money, there certainly wouldnft be any need to think about God!h  Be honest now!  Isnft that what we think?  Why do we have that idea?  Because we want to use God!  We think if we join a religion, we might get special favor from God.  Isnft that why you visit three shrines at New Year?


But wait!  If God really exists, if there is One True God, you canft use Him for what you want!  Good works will not gain His favor!  


David was a very wealthy king.  We might want to believe, gIf I only had that kind of money, there would be no reason to worry about God!h  But see what this famous king says!  Ifm sure youfll be amazed.


Please pay special attention to this place.  (Point to starred paragraph.)  The reason is that, during your ceremony, I want to refer to this.  The thought here is, before you and I were ever born, the Living God knew about you and me.  He saw our future.  And He formed a wonderful plan for each person.  He has also formed a plan for you as a couple.  Wouldnft you like to know what that plan is?


All of the above is to say this: There is special meaning to our lives!  God has a purpose for each personfs life.  We are not here by chance!  We were created with a plan; we were made for a special purpose!


This?this?is what is behind the chapel wedding!  Here is the true meaning of the Christian church ceremony!  Indeed, here is what gives true beauty (point to OR Begin paper) to the ceremony you have chosen!  Whether or not this beautiful thing, this truth, becomes yours personally or not is by your decision.  But remember that the reason for the entire explanation above is so you can experience The Real Thing?a genuine church wedding!


(Following this, I discuss the meaning of prayer?the next item on their program.  To me, this also is part of the gmessage,h and can be seen in the Japanese or Romaji script.  Comments on the meaning of the vows come next, and then the break time, rehearsal in the chapel, and, back in the room again, practical advice on the marriage relationship.  The message then continues:)


Our subject for this time has been gThe Guarantee for a Happy Marriage!h  That is not the topic only for this Part 3, but, in fact, it has been the theme for this entire orientation time.  One more point on this matter remains.  Earlier, in order to explain the meaning of your wedding ceremony, I talked a bit about the Bible.  At that time I talked briefly about the One, True, Living God.  That was for your reference and in order for you to understand the real meaning of your wedding.  Now, I want to return to that place just a bit.  And, this time, I want to speak very personally.  Please listen carefully to what I say from my heart.  Guarantee of a Happy Marriagecour final point today.


All of us are created to actually know the Living God?to have fellowship with Him!  However, even though we were created by God, and in spite of the fact that He loves us and has prepared a wonderful plan for our lives, every single one of us has spurned Godfs love, has disobeyed His commands, and has taken his or her own selfish way in life.  We ignore God and say we donft need Him.


But that doesnft work!  We are lonely, unsatisfied.  We are unable to solve lifefs problems in our own strength and by our own intelligence.  Human relations are complex and hurtful. We envy, hate, hold grudges, and fight.  Sometimes our own family is split.  The workplace is hard, complex.  We feel pressure.  We get tired of the stress.  Many people die early from the strain of their jobs.


At such times, we cry, gIsnft there some strength beyond me?  Isnft there someone who can help me in my struggles?h  Every single person experiences this!  But how terribly sad it is that, at these times, we make things into gods?idols?and we begin to worship people as gods.  The Bible calls this sin. 


Perhaps we had in mind that sin is committing crimes.  But crimes come from a life without God.  We have no moral standards.  Our consciences are dead.  And so we cheat, lie, take bribes, hide money, embezzle, and so forth.  A new incident appears almost every day in our society!  But isnft each one of us like that?  Donft we think gA little lie is all right,h and gItfs not sin if you are not found out?h  Ignoring God.  No moral standards.  The conscience is dead.


A Japanese friend told me this?did you have any idea? ?There are 3000 different religions in Japan!  And it might surprise you to know that America is like this too!  Does this seem right for gdevelopedh countries like Japan and America?  But someone might say, gHey, wait!  Isnft religion a fine thing?  No, no, Ifm not interested, but doesnft religion teach good things?  Itfs all right to believe anything so long as it is meaningful for you.  After all, eAll paths lead to the top of the same mountain!fh


Well, then, let me ask you, is it all right to believe in The True Path?  How about Life Space?  Wouldnft you like to join The Flower of Life?  You see, the sin of The True Path was not in spreading sarin gas and killing people.  That is sin, of course!  But the real sin of The True Path was in ignoring the God who is alive?the Only True God?and making guru Asahara into god in place of Him!  This is what the Bible means by sin!


All religions of the world do this.  Oh, yes, there might be some gniceh religions?yes, there are good teachings, nice philosophies, noble ideals?but if they donft show us the Creator God?the Only Living God?are they worth believing in?


People make religions!  We hear, gThis is the way!h or, gI have special revelation.  Follow me!h or, gIf you do this form of penance or these good deeds, youfll receive benefit!h  Who says these things?  Ordinary people do!  Where is the proof?  Isnft it people who decide that a certain person ought to be enshrined as a god?  Does that make that person a god?  Isnft he, in fact, merely a person who has died?  No matter how famous or noble a person he was, hefs dead!  How can mere people make him into a god!


People make religions!  Thatfs why we have 3000 in Japan!  But listen!  Before there were ever any religions, the Creator God was!  He is the only God.  He is alive today!  People didnft think Him up.  Nobody gdiscoveredh Him.  God showed Himself to us!  And He clearly revealed, in our world, in history, the way that we can know Him!  Can that be true?  Well, since we also are living in history, if we really investigate, we can find out!


gGuarantee for a Happy Marriageh?the last point.  If what I have said today is not a lie?if what the Bible declares is true?then the only way to happiness in life, and the way to have a truly fulfilled marriage, is to be in fellowship with the God who made us!  And if what I have said is a lie, it is impossible to discover lifefs true meaning or purpose!  Life is merely a cycle of, gEat and sleep, work and get tired,h and then we die in darkness with no hope!  Indeed, whether or not what I have shared today is true becomes a matter of life or death!


How can we experience this Living God?  It is through Jesus Christ.  It is not through Christianity!  The word, gChristianity,h does not appear even once in the Bible!  The Bible is not promoting greligion.h  It is declaring a relationship with the Living God!


Why Jesus Christ?  You will find the answer to that in the back of the wedding booklet I gave you.  Read it carefully later.  Remember that no other person has ever entered history according to specific prophecies.  The meaning of Christmas candle services and Christmas carols is, God is with us!


Christ came into this world exactly as promised.  Just as it was foretold, He went to the Cross in place of us and died on the Cross in order to forgive our sins.  Then, in order to prove that He can give us eternal life, He rose from the dead on the third day!  Remember:  There is nothing that the True God cannot do!  He can help us overcome our sufferings and problems.  He can show you His wonderful plan for your lives!  That wonderful plan?wouldnft you like to experience it?


Thank you for listening so politely to what I wanted to share with you.  Thatfs the end of my message.


(Here I present the Bible I signed during the rehearsal time.)


cWe talked a little about prayer, didnft we?  Remember that you can pray anytime, anywhere, just as you are, in your own words!  Thatfs because God is our Heavenly Father!  He has a profound interest in our lives! 


I will pray for you in your ceremony.  But remember?this is the most important thing I have said today?when I pray for you, I am not praying to gone god among many.h  I am not praying to the gods made by peoplefs ideas, or those of our myths and superstitions.  Nor am I praying to the dead human beings that people have declared to be gods.  Rather I pray to the God who was before everything, the only God there is, the One who would like to walk with you in your life.


(I then pray for the couples present and give closing comments, including an explanation of the handouts in their envelopes and an invitation to the next Vespers.  For these parts, please see the Japanese or Romaji script.)


Doyle C. Book

Kitakyushu, Japan